Tried to Get out

Memories from our relationship flooded through my mind. The sad thing is that they mostly consist of all the ​arguments and fights we've had. Something clicked in my mind that I had a decision to make on how I wanted ​this night to end differently than the previous ones. I looked over at him as he just laid there, not a care in the ​world as he slept peacefully. I could feel my blood start to boil as I slowly stepped out of bed. A shiver ran ​down my body as I stepped on the cold wooden floor and I let out a little yelp.

I glanced over at Curtis hoping I didn't wake him. I held my breath as he turned over and threw the covers of ​him. I let out a bated breath when I heard his light snoring, glad that he wasn't awake. I tiptoed to our dresser ​and opened his sock drawer. I pushed all the socks to the side until I located the metal case underneath them. ​My heart picked up pace as I felt sweat start to bead on my forehead as I opened it.

Once I picked up the heavy metal, a sense of power came over me. From the weight of it, I could tell that it was ​fully loaded.

"It's a good thing that he always keeps it loaded," I thought.

I walked over to his side of the bed and stood so that I was right beside him, studying his face. The serene look ​on it, sparked a flame within me as I cocked the hammer back and pointed the gun directly in his face. His ​internal fight or flight instincts must've been alerted because just then his eyes popped open as he stared into the ​barrel of the gun and then to me.

The eye connection just made the power within me grow stronger as I stared back into his eyes full of hate. ​Even though my mind was screaming for me to pull the trigger, my body wouldn't cooperate.

"I should be putting a bullet in his head right now but why aren't I? What the fuck am I waiting for, just do it!"

As I continue looking at him, I slowly lower the gun to my side, not able to go through with it.

"Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?" He asked angrily.

The fire in his eyes made the sense of power I felt, cower down inside of me as I threw the gun to the floor. He ​sat up in the bed and swung his legs around, advancing towards me. I slowly backed up until I felt myself hit ​the wall, knowing that I was now trapped.

Once he stopped in front of me, I let out a shaky breath, turning my head to the side. A small part of me hoped ​that he would just forget about what just happened and go back to bed. As I was about to plead my case, I felt ​a punch to the face and then nothing as I went unconscious.